Police host annual international conference on cybercrimes

 人参与 | 时间:2024-09-21 17:30:30

An international conference on cybercrimes opened in Seoul on Wednesday, with hundreds of law enforcement officials and IT experts from around the world expected to share experiences and know-how on tackling online crimes.

The International Symposium on Cybercrime Response is an annual conference that South Korea's National Police Agency has been hosting since 2000 in an effort to bolster international cooperation in coping with borderless crimes in cyberspace.

This year's conference, which opened at Seoul's Four Seasons Hotel for a three-day run, drew about 800 people from cyber investigation agencies, international organizations, IT firms and scholars in about 60 countries, including the United States, China and Japan.

Participants are expected to share cutting-edge investigative methods and the latest cybercrime trends, such as those involving cryptocurrencies and Internet of Things hacking, while discussing ways to further strengthen cooperation among law enforcement agencies.

Also expected to be discussed are ways to tackle online child pornography and hidden camera crimes.

On the eve of the conference, law enforcement officials from South Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong and Interpol held a meeting to discuss cooperation among Asian nations in responding to cybercrime.

President Moon Jae-in said in a message at the opening ceremony that various cybercrimes are posing threats not only to businesses but also to national security and ensuring cybersecurity is not something any one country can accomplish alone.

Moon also called for more active measures to root out cyber sex crimes.

National Police Agency Commissioner General Min Gap-ryong also said in an opening address that eradicating the distribution of child pornography and hidden camera footage will be a key topic of this year's conference. (Yonhap)

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