Seoul vows continued pressure against North Korea for change

 人参与 | 时间:2024-09-22 07:32:42
The Seoul government strongly lambasted North Korea’s Feb. 7 rocket launch as a “radical act of provocation that it committed to again to maintain its system while turning blind eye on the lives of the North Koreans.”

Cho Tae-yong, first deputy director of national security of the South Korean Presidential Office, said in a statement that the government will continue to exert all efforts for the U.N. Security Council to come up with strong sanctions. It will also continue to add necessary pressure against North Korea to a point that it would need to change.

Cho said that the only way for North Korea to give up its nuclear development is to slap effective and strong sanctions including those drawn up by the UNSC through close discussion among the international community.

He also expressed regret over the failed attempt to bring North Korea back to dialogue such as through the stalled six-party talks. “It ended up giving time for North Korea to advance its nuclear programs.” ( 顶: 45564踩: 6